Dediex-Info : Banyak faktor yang memicu pemanasan global, dan bikin bumi kita makin rusak. Salah satunya adalah polusi. Polusi terbesar biasanya datang dari pabrik atau kota. Beberapa kota inilah penyumbang terbesar dalam kerusakan lingkungan dan bikin bumi kita makin panas. A couple of years ago, Times published the rating of the most polluted cities in the world. Let's see what has changed. Hati-hati ya, kalau berkunjung ke sini!
10. Kabwe (Zambia)

Reasons: The development and smelting of zinc and lead (1902-1994 gg).
Result: Pollution by heavy metals of the superficial and underground waters feeding a city.
9. Chernobyl (Ukraine)

Sejak reaktor nuklir meledak di kota ini pada tanggal 26 April 1986, pabrik itu melepaskan radiasi 100 kali lebih kuat daripada yang terjadi di Hirosima dan Nagasaki. Sekarang penduduknya hanya bisa menghuni area 30 km dari pabrik itu tapi tetap saja tingkat polusinya sangat tinggi. Dari tahun 1992 sampai tahun 2002, ada setidaknya 4.000 orang terkena kanker tiroid. 5,5 juta orang berpotensi terkena efek negative lainnya.
8. Norilsk (Russia)

Causes: Emissions from the Norilsk metallurgical complex. The plant annually discharges into the air about 2 million tons of sulfur dioxide.
Result: The average life expectancy of plant workers is 10 years less than the average for Russia. 15,8% of deaths of children in the city due to respiratory complications.
7. Dzerzhinsk (Russia)

Causes: Chemical Industry. From 1930 to 1998 about 300 000 tons of chemicals found in the environment.
Result: In some parts of the city, level of dioxins in the water is 17 million times higher than the permissible value. Average male life expectancy in the city is 42 years.
6. La Oroya (Peru)

Causes: Mining and smelting of metals.
Results: In 99% of residents recorded elevated blood levels of lead. The high level of premature The vegetation surrounding the city is violated by acid rains.
5. Vapi (India)

Reasons: The plants stretched on 40 km near to a city, are a source of income in the environment of the large quantity of heavy metals, cyanide, pesticides and other toxins.
Result: The content of mercury in groundwater is 96 times higher than World Health Organization standards. There is a large number of cases of respiratory diseases and cancer among the population.
4. Sukinda (India)

Sukinda adalah daerah tambang kromium terbuka terbesar di India. Zat kromium yang dipakai buat melapisi besi anti karat ini, ternyata bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan kalau dihirup atau ditelan. Di daerah ini, 60% dari air minum mengandung kromium dua kali lebih banyak dari standar internasional. Jumlah orang yang berpotensi terkena akibat dari polusi ini adalah 2,4 juta.
3. Tianying(China)

Reasons: The smelting of lead (the largest production in China).
Result: The lead content in air is 10 times greater than national standards. 140 000 people constantly exposed to the high content of lead in the environment.
2. Linfeng (China)

Jangan jemur pakaian kita di kota ini. Soalnya sebelum kering, pakaian kita bakalan jadi hitam karena kandungan karbon yang ada di udara kota ini. Maklum, kota Linfen adalah daerah tambang dan pembakaran batu bara terbesar di Cina. Ada kira-kira 3 juta orang yang berpotensi terkena efek buruk dari polusi ini.
Reasons: The largest power plant fueled with coal (about 2 / 3 "coal power" is produced by power plants of the city).
Result: The most severe air pollution in China. The air contains high concentrations of arsenic and sulfur dioxide. The high level of lead poisoning among children. In total about 3 million people are the constant victims of this large-scale electricity production.
1. Sumgait (Azerbaijan)

Causes: Petroleum industry (about 40 employees of factories).
Result: 120 000 tons of hazardous emissions annually is in the environment. Cancer rate is 51% higher than the average for the CIS. 250 000 people constantly feel the negative impact of industrial production of Sumgait.
10. Kabwe (Zambia)

Reasons: The development and smelting of zinc and lead (1902-1994 gg).
Result: Pollution by heavy metals of the superficial and underground waters feeding a city.
9. Chernobyl (Ukraine)

Sejak reaktor nuklir meledak di kota ini pada tanggal 26 April 1986, pabrik itu melepaskan radiasi 100 kali lebih kuat daripada yang terjadi di Hirosima dan Nagasaki. Sekarang penduduknya hanya bisa menghuni area 30 km dari pabrik itu tapi tetap saja tingkat polusinya sangat tinggi. Dari tahun 1992 sampai tahun 2002, ada setidaknya 4.000 orang terkena kanker tiroid. 5,5 juta orang berpotensi terkena efek negative lainnya.
8. Norilsk (Russia)

Causes: Emissions from the Norilsk metallurgical complex. The plant annually discharges into the air about 2 million tons of sulfur dioxide.
Result: The average life expectancy of plant workers is 10 years less than the average for Russia. 15,8% of deaths of children in the city due to respiratory complications.
7. Dzerzhinsk (Russia)

Causes: Chemical Industry. From 1930 to 1998 about 300 000 tons of chemicals found in the environment.
Result: In some parts of the city, level of dioxins in the water is 17 million times higher than the permissible value. Average male life expectancy in the city is 42 years.
6. La Oroya (Peru)

Causes: Mining and smelting of metals.
Results: In 99% of residents recorded elevated blood levels of lead. The high level of premature The vegetation surrounding the city is violated by acid rains.
5. Vapi (India)

Reasons: The plants stretched on 40 km near to a city, are a source of income in the environment of the large quantity of heavy metals, cyanide, pesticides and other toxins.
Result: The content of mercury in groundwater is 96 times higher than World Health Organization standards. There is a large number of cases of respiratory diseases and cancer among the population.
4. Sukinda (India)

Sukinda adalah daerah tambang kromium terbuka terbesar di India. Zat kromium yang dipakai buat melapisi besi anti karat ini, ternyata bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan kalau dihirup atau ditelan. Di daerah ini, 60% dari air minum mengandung kromium dua kali lebih banyak dari standar internasional. Jumlah orang yang berpotensi terkena akibat dari polusi ini adalah 2,4 juta.
3. Tianying(China)

Reasons: The smelting of lead (the largest production in China).
Result: The lead content in air is 10 times greater than national standards. 140 000 people constantly exposed to the high content of lead in the environment.
2. Linfeng (China)

Jangan jemur pakaian kita di kota ini. Soalnya sebelum kering, pakaian kita bakalan jadi hitam karena kandungan karbon yang ada di udara kota ini. Maklum, kota Linfen adalah daerah tambang dan pembakaran batu bara terbesar di Cina. Ada kira-kira 3 juta orang yang berpotensi terkena efek buruk dari polusi ini.
Reasons: The largest power plant fueled with coal (about 2 / 3 "coal power" is produced by power plants of the city).
Result: The most severe air pollution in China. The air contains high concentrations of arsenic and sulfur dioxide. The high level of lead poisoning among children. In total about 3 million people are the constant victims of this large-scale electricity production.
1. Sumgait (Azerbaijan)

Causes: Petroleum industry (about 40 employees of factories).
Result: 120 000 tons of hazardous emissions annually is in the environment. Cancer rate is 51% higher than the average for the CIS. 250 000 people constantly feel the negative impact of industrial production of Sumgait.